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YouTube: Social Video Blogging

"An eclectic Library of content designed  specifically for the YouTube community"

Social video blogging has become a key aspect of social media since YouTube's dominance of the internet took shape. This project is where I have found myself most comfortable yet most challenged during my production experiences. I have been working towards creating something more than videos about seemingly unstimulating subjects, but an entire experience that allows the viewer to become engulfed in the creators vision; that vision being a multi media platform for a video based channel of social topics and trends. A library of content to relish in, to enjoy and be entertained. The idea that there is a way in which to become more than a Facebook status or a generic tweet, has become more of the socially accepted way of proving ones existance in this ever growing and controlling media world that we all unknowingly live in. 


There's still so much more to come!

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